mailing lists - Admin Links


Below is the collection of publicly-advertised Mailman mailing lists on Click on a list name to visit the configuration pages for that list.To visit the administrators configuration page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. If you have the proper authority, you can also create a new mailing list.

General list information can be found at the mailing list overview page.

(Send questions and comments to

List Description
ACN-LTA Associate College Network Learning Teaching and Assessment Mailbase
Alt [no description available]
Bus-ed-review Business and Management Education Review Group
Cirg [no description available]
Copd [no description available]
eDTE Design and Technology Education ex-students
EMC Experimental Music & Media Collective / MAXIS (EMC/MAXIS)
Gos [no description available]
Hellenic-soc [no description available]
Ismg SHU Technical Managers/ISMG
Keytokey-continuation [no description available]
Mailman [no description available]
Modern-health [no description available]
Msf [no description available]
Network-ops [no description available]
Newlist [no description available]
Omd1 Outdoor Management Development discussion list 1
Prim-care-set The Public Health In Primary Care learning set
Psychology-tqa [no description available]
Shu-campus-mail [no description available]
Shu-lis-scitech [no description available]
Shu-mailman-admins A mailing list for Sheffield Hallam mailman admins
Shu-ukeo [no description available]
Shu-xann [no description available]
SYFEC South Yorkshire Further Education Colleges contact list
Test2 [no description available]
Testamwmailman Alex testing how to create new list
Tltr Teaching, Learning and Technology Roundtable
Ucutest [no description available]
Upsevent Machine Room UPS operations
VX-News Newsletter

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version 2.1.30
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